Start Here/First Post

Welcome to the Margareed Family Blog!

I go by the nickname Ruba and felt the need to start a blog for families like mine. We are the Margareeds and go by “Nitro”, “Ruba”, “Puck” and “Ace”.

I (Ruba) decided to start a family blog because I was not seeing a lot of blogs for families like ours. We are parents and a couple who is just doing our best. We do not have a big fancy house, we need to budget for anything fun that we do, and though our meals are usually healthy-ish they’re not cut into fancy shapes or displayed on fancy boards. I am not trying to knock bloggers that do these things or have these things (in fact I love that content) but I wanted to create something for families who can relate to our family.

Our family loves each other and we enjoy:
– spending time together
-good food
-spending time together
-learning new things

We plan on posting some of our favorite tips, our travels, fun activities, amazing adventures, and some of our real life experiences. I like to think of us as a fun and sort of average blue collar family. I want to share our reality which is not always filtered and pretty, but it’s real!

We hope you enjoy our blog!

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